#175325  by lbpesq
I’ve been using a Telefunken 1.6 mm Triangle Graphite enriched Delrin pick for a few years. Today I tried to order some and discovered they are unavailable anywhere, including the Telefunken site! Does anyone know if they are still in stock anywhere? Have they been discontinued? It also appears the Adamas graphite picks are only available in 2 mm. Does anyone know of any other 1.5 - 1.6 mm graphite picks?

Any help appreciarted.

Bill, tgo
 #175665  by zambiland
Those were the Dunlop picks. Telefunken reissued them and recently they have been out of stock. The story I heard is that their supplier of graphite decided to not provide the material anymore unless they ordered enough to make a million picks.
 #175668  by lbpesq
After posting the above, I contacted Telefunken and was able to obtain their last dozen “B Stock” picks (though I have no idea what makes these “B Stock”). They told me they hope to bring these back at some point in the future.

Bill, tgo
NeilG1 liked this
 #175669  by zambiland
There is someone on Reverb selling the 1.5mm large triangular picks for a reasonable price (12 for $18 plus shipping). But he doesn't seem to have a lot left. I bought a pack. Along with my current supply, should last me until Telefunken reissues them.
lbpesq liked this
 #175674  by barefootdave
I still have several bags of the Dunlop/Adamas left from the "mad dash" (going to include a bag in the case of the Moriarty Wolf for the new owner) and also a few of the old Telefunkens from before Dunlop reissued - I prefer the Adamas but they are pretty close.