If I had the ability to own one? The original 73 / 73 Wolf. That era with that guitar was so distinctive and beautiful…the sound was so natural I often envision the strings themselves were made of hay.
I feel very fortunate to have actually picked up Wolf back in 2017 before it was auctioned. Even though I hadn’t start playing guitar yet at that point, I could immediately tell how it much more it was than simply a guitar. The whole feel of it made for such a unique piece of art.
Here is what Kimock had to say about Wolf after playing it: “ The first time I played Wolf I couldn’t even pick up any of my own instruments for a week. They all felt like toys. The diff between the absolutely top-shelf sh*t like an Irwin and the garden variety boutique and vintage stuff 99% of us are used to is inexpressible until you actually experience it. I couldn’t believe how much better an instrument Wolf was compared to anything in my woodpile and I’ve got some really fine guitars.”