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Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:28 am
by Scott Bardolf
Hey everyone! Trying to figure this one out. First thing I've noticed after watching Radio City and the solo acoustic version is Bob is using his thumb on the intro chord and the G#m part (seabirds cryin')
Some other mystery chords that I can't quite make out are the two after " no place in this world you can be ?? ??" right before he goes back to A. They're right there in the 4th fret, can't get 'em!!! Anybody? It'd be nice to tab this one out properly. Here's the solo version, you can really see some tasty playing.

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:19 am
by old man down
I've had very good luck for the two after "no place in this world you can be."


or simply E, Esus4. They toggle back and forth, so use your ear to work their timing in. (Forget which comes first, the Esus4 or the E.)

Don't know if they'll match the video, but they will sound like what you want.

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:38 am
by strumminsix
I worked on this song for a many, many hours on many versions. Had all my notes on a sheet of paper.

If anyone has that sheet of paper, I'd like a copy of it please. Seriously, never left the house but nowhere to be found.

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:15 am
by Scarlet
Here's my take on the chords following "no place in this world you can be".
Getting the right bass note is fairly crucial to making these work:
The first chord is right on the word "be".

1st chord = A (bass player plays A)

2nd chord = Em or G6 (bass player plays G)

3rd chord = E (bass plays B)

4th chord = Bb (bass can play either F or Bb)

Bob's solo version in the above vid seems to be a little different to this, but I think the chords I've listed work fine when they did it in the GD.
I just played alongside the version on ... 844.flac16 and it seemed correct.

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:45 pm
by strumminsix
Hmmmm, I have 2 scratched notes here....
A A/G F# Gmaj7
A A/B D E Bb

Can't defend either one but figure maybe this'll help!

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:21 pm
by ebick
Not the first song(s) I would have guessed he would have tackled acoustically, but I like. I never played these very well.....but it looks like even he had a rough go of it. :)

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:12 am
by old man down
Finally saw the video at home (finally got around to buying a computer and getting with the 21st century; a Mac Book Pro, 15", nice)

Still haven't seen anyone post what he's playing for those chords, but it does have me intrigued now. So, I'll get it looped, and work on it until it sounds right. There are only so many permutations available for those chords since the area on the guitar is pre-defined by the video, and the guitar sounds are not cluttered over by other instruments. Too bad the camera angle provides so little.

Still, there are some other chords that are worthy of trying to get from the video. A great song to master for solo acoustic.
Was messing with it just before leaving for work this morning and almost took the day off.

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:38 am
by Seth Fleishman
Hi. I don't see anything correct posted so far. I'm hoping to do a lesson video on "Lost Sailor" at some point. Very jazzy tune, with some crazy chord shapes. A real gem.

In the meantime, just because I can't resist chiming in (I just registered so I could reply):

G#m - G#m#5 - G#m6 - G#m7 A/C# - A/C (Am) - E/B - BbMaj13


No place in this world you can beeeeeeeeee

Basically a G#m with an ascending chromatic line on the B string(bolded), followed by a descending chromatic bass line from A/C# down to BbMaj13(bolded). He sometimes leaves the 1st string E open on the Bb chord, making it (reaching for more coffee) BbMaj7#11.



Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:26 am
by strumminsix
Welcome aboard, Seth!

Also, moved this to Lost Sailor sub-forum so we can find it easily again :)

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:14 am
by Grateful Dad
Seth Fleishman wrote:Hi. I don't see anything correct posted so far. I'm hoping to do a lesson video on "Lost Sailor" at some point. Very jazzy tune, with some crazy chord shapes. A real gem.

In the meantime, just because I can't resist chiming in (I just registered so I could reply):

G#m - G#m#5 - G#m6 - G#m7 A/C# - A/C (Am) - E/B - BbMaj13


No place in this world you can beeeeeeeeee

Basically a G#m with an ascending chromatic line on the B string(bolded), followed by a descending chromatic bass line from A/C# down to BbMaj13(bolded). He sometimes leaves the 1st string E open on the Bb chord, making it (reaching for more coffee) BbMaj7#11.


Yo Seth! :cool:

Welcome to the forum!

Did you go to the introduction thread and formally introduce yourself?

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:22 pm
by jdsmodulus
Seth Fleishman wrote:Hi. I don't see anything correct posted so far. I'm hoping to do a lesson video on "Lost Sailor" at some point. Very jazzy tune, with some crazy chord shapes. A real gem.

In the meantime, just because I can't resist chiming in (I just registered so I could reply):

G#m - G#m#5 - G#m6 - G#m7 A/C# - A/C (Am) - E/B - BbMaj13


No place in this world you can beeeeeeeeee

Basically a G#m with an ascending chromatic line on the B string(bolded), followed by a descending chromatic bass line from A/C# down to BbMaj13(bolded). He sometimes leaves the 1st string E open on the Bb chord, making it (reaching for more coffee) BbMaj7#11.


Total Fail on the 9 dollar guitar lesson...I welcome your take on the music here but don't sell it bro you are not in a position to deal this. Please feel free to post anything you want and be part of our discussion.

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:45 am
by Grateful Dad
jdsmodulus wrote:
Seth Fleishman wrote:Hi. I don't see anything correct posted so far. I'm hoping to do a lesson video on "Lost Sailor" at some point. Very jazzy tune, with some crazy chord shapes. A real gem.

In the meantime, just because I can't resist chiming in (I just registered so I could reply):

G#m - G#m#5 - G#m6 - G#m7 A/C# - A/C (Am) - E/B - BbMaj13


No place in this world you can beeeeeeeeee

Basically a G#m with an ascending chromatic line on the B string(bolded), followed by a descending chromatic bass line from A/C# down to BbMaj13(bolded). He sometimes leaves the 1st string E open on the Bb chord, making it (reaching for more coffee) BbMaj7#11.


Total Fail on the 9 dollar guitar lesson...I welcome your take on the music here but don't sell it bro you are not in a position to deal this. Please feel free to post anything you want and be part of our discussion.
I am just seeking some clarity here. I have purchased some of his lessons and find them very useful. All of them are licensed. Is there some website rule or regulation being broken or just breach of protocal inflicted upon this site? I too believe in the free flow of ideas and information, but I also believe if two people want to conduct a legal transaction and no one is harmed then that is ok too.

G. Dad

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:48 pm
by jdsmodulus
After some more attention I see that that site is very good and useful. Im just not a fan of first time posters selling stuff. In the end I think its all good. Sorry if I was quick to judge! :peas:

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:05 pm
by Seth Fleishman
Actually, I wasn't selling anything here. I was offering the correct changes for the end of the bridge of "Lost Sailor" for free. I don't currently have a video lesson for that song. I signed off with my website URL as a means of identifying and qualifying myself. And hey, to me, I think it's a pretty fair swap that I posted the changes, and all I did in return was identify myself and my website. I wasn't spamming or anything like that. If I violated a rule, I apologize. Registering and posting was an impulse reaction. I didn''t really think it out.

I teach guitar for a living. Before that, I spent seven years in corporate life as an instructional designer, specializing in e-learning. I am licensed to do these videos. I see this project as a chance to combine everything I've learned in my working life towards a goal that is a passion for me--learning from the GD to be a better musician. So far the feedback has been outstanding, and I am pleased and humbled and committed to doing my very best.

Personally, I think it's pretty stinking cool that every time I sell a video, a royalty is earned by the songwriters themselves. To me it's a win-win-win. I get to teach my favorite music and earn a little something for it. The purchaser, assuming he likes the video, gets a quality lesson and hopefully improves as a musician, and the actual creators of the song get a financial reward for the continued use of what they created. Where's the downside??

Where I teach, I get a lot of kids, and subsequently teach a lot of Green Day, AC-DC, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana etc. Which is fine. Kids love it, and hopefully they continue on their musical journey as they grow. Should I not charge for that? Should I teach for free? Where would I find the time if I had to earn money some other way? As the song says, "we all gotta eat." Video lessons are just a different version of what I do at the studio, and it allows me to connect with people all over the country, and the world. I've had people buy videos as far away as Korea! I think it's a good thing. And it gives me the opportunity to teach music I love, and get a little break from teaching greasy kids stuff (Green day, etc.)

I treat it as an awesome responsibility. I'm trying my very best to make the lessons accurate and useful. I just want to do a good job, contribute something of value, and help guitarists who can benefit from what I have to offer. It's my livelihood, and really it's a dream come true to earn my living with a guitar in my hands. So that's where I'm coming from. Y'all have a great day.

Seth 8)

Re: Lost Sailor

PostPosted:Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:30 pm
by strumminsix
Seth, at first I was taken back by your video charges. But in light of your profession being a music teacher and royalties going to GD I'm thinking of it differently!

I've watched a few of your videos and am impressed with what you hear between the guitars and that separation!

Also, I am grateful that you are giving in here without directly promoting yourself. I still think the price is a bit high for folks HERE as most are likely just missing a few of the finer details that you are pointing out but I won't complain against a little bit of capitalism :) IF you ever do a RUKIND special price, that'd be cool :wink:

Thanks for taking the time to write out your full thoughts!