#175714  by split1337
Hello everyone. I am a semi new guitar player. Been learning/playing for around 11 months now on a virtual amp. I think it is finally time to get a real amp along with some effect pedals so I can finally obtain the Jerry tone. I'm looking for any kind of suggestions for me to try and obtain this sound. I'm not extremely familiar at what all the kinds of petals and things I will need to achieve this sound but any kind of help would be greatly appreciated! I apologize if I didn't do a great job explaining what I'm looking for. let me know and I can follow up with a hopefully better explanation!

 #175715  by Searing75
A lot of different tones in that period partner. Not sure which one your after? Give us an example please.
 #175716  by lbpesq
A good place to start is a Fender-type amp with a relatively clean speaker. The holy grail is a Black or Silver Face Fender. Jerry used a Twin Reverb, but you probably don’t want all that power. A used Princeton Reverb is a nice place to start. Jerry turned his bass all the way down, had the midrange at about 12-1 o’clock, and cranked the treble. And, of course, use the middle pickup most of the time.

As for speakers, Jerry preferred JBLs. You can find used D120s and K120s, but they aren’t cheap. As for alternatives that get you close to the JBL sound, there are numerous discussions on just this topic to be found on this forum.

Bill, tgo
 #175717  by Chocol8
It is cheaper and easier to get there with modeling. Especially if you are not playing super loud. See the recent Reverb video which also has a link to download the profiles for Helix I believe. If you go that route, you can pick up a Helix and nail the tone inside an hour. Well, assuming you have the guitar and playing technique.

If you want to go the analog route, I would skip the amp and get an SMS pre-amp and a separate power amp. That will give you much better volume control and is closer to how Jerry ran his rig.

Speakers were always JBL from 1966 on. The late 70’s would have been K-120’s or D-120f which are the same speaker after 73. E -120’s also work well and have a very similar sound. There are VERY few D-120’s that have not been reconed to a K or E style cone so don’t pay a premium for them unless you know what you are buying.

The main effects you need are an envelope filter and distortion. The mutron microtron IV is as close as you will get to an original and at a reasonable price and availability. I think distortion in that era was the script logo distortion plus. You can add an octave and a phase 100 but they were used less often and are the final gravy after you get the rest.
 #175718  by strumminsix
Jerry's tone was amazing but as others point out, later 70s introduced some changes.

As you're a new guitarist, my recommendation would be simple:
Quality Stratocaster
Fender Deluxe Reverb

Add in a couple pedals: Sarno Earth Drive + Phase 100

I'd stay away from modelling as your ear doesn't have a point of reference yet.

Then really study and play. Those couple tools can turn you into a monster player. Then add in envelope, octave, delays, etc.

But really, get your foundation good. The more years I play, the few effects I use and focus on the guitar + amp interaction.
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 #175764  by wleeds
strumminsix wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:28 am Jerry's tone was amazing but as others point out, later 70s introduced some changes.

As you're a new guitarist, my recommendation would be simple:
Quality Stratocaster
Fender Deluxe Reverb

Add in a couple pedals: Sarno Earth Drive + Phase 100

I'd stay away from modelling as your ear doesn't have a point of reference yet.

100% - strat and Deluxe reverb is a gr8 starting point, maybe even end game. so versatile

Then really study and play. Those couple tools can turn you into a monster player. Then add in envelope, octave, delays, etc.

But really, get your foundation good. The more years I play, the few effects I use and focus on the guitar + amp interaction.
 #175765  by wleeds
100% - strat and Deluxe reverb is a gr8 starting point, maybe even end game. so versatile
 #175766  by caspersvapors
Not sure if this has been mentioned but you probably want Dimarzio SDS-1's in your strat for that time period. May require routing