#175691  by Slewfoot2000
Great to hear! Would love to see photos! I still have my deposit with Robert and just can't decide on what to do. It'll likely be one of the following:

- a Wolf inspired build, chambered for weight and possibly using Koa instead of Maple and Cocobolo instead of Purpleheart

- a Les Paul inspired that is black on top and dark brown wood on the back and sides like the old Gretsch Duo Jets...pickups being a neck Staple P90, middle P90 or Strat, bridge Firebird or Humbucker...a Bigsby and instead of a standard pickguard using an aluminum Garcia type pickup surround ring

- possible I may buy an existing guitar and just have it modded
 #175694  by GratefulDadNJ
Man, it sounds really great. Here is the rig I’m using (excuse the messy wires) set up in the basement.

Sounds like you have some great ideas for your build. Hope it turns out great. Would love to see what you end up w.
Gr8fulCadi, TI4-1009 liked this