Great to hear! Would love to see photos! I still have my deposit with Robert and just can't decide on what to do. It'll likely be one of the following:
- a Wolf inspired build, chambered for weight and possibly using Koa instead of Maple and Cocobolo instead of Purpleheart
- a Les Paul inspired that is black on top and dark brown wood on the back and sides like the old Gretsch Duo Jets...pickups being a neck Staple P90, middle P90 or Strat, bridge Firebird or Humbucker...a Bigsby and instead of a standard pickguard using an aluminum Garcia type pickup surround ring
- possible I may buy an existing guitar and just have it modded
- a Wolf inspired build, chambered for weight and possibly using Koa instead of Maple and Cocobolo instead of Purpleheart
- a Les Paul inspired that is black on top and dark brown wood on the back and sides like the old Gretsch Duo Jets...pickups being a neck Staple P90, middle P90 or Strat, bridge Firebird or Humbucker...a Bigsby and instead of a standard pickguard using an aluminum Garcia type pickup surround ring
- possible I may buy an existing guitar and just have it modded