#175648  by playingdead
We don't do this one often -- not sure why -- but this came out nicely ... check out my rhythm guitarist's use of the volume swell and whammy bar on the 2nd verse, super cool. We are direct to FOH on in-ears so no amps, etc. (other than the bass rig temporarily as he's off the ears). Fractal AX8 straight to the house. From our weekly residency at SoundCheck Studios in Pembroke MA.

PaulJay, ssmug, phpbb and 3 others liked this
 #175649  by Searing75
Sounding great man! You do get a killer tone from that Fractal. Whenever I am talking to fellow guitarists about the Fractal and other modelers, I reference the tone you get from it.
 #175655  by Cumtax
seriously, no one could ever say that tone is processed digitally. Truly impressive. Ah anyway yes fuck, I envy your rhythm player, those swells seem indistinguishable from a real slide... truly beautiful