Musical Theory Abound!!!
 #2889  by settledowneasy91
What was wrong with the think tank 1? does this have anything to do with the departure of a certain poster and should we not post in the old think tank anymore?

 #2890  by strumminsix
My best guess would be that since Kenny removed his posts many threads are ruined and others are incoherent.

 #2891  by phpbb
Thats what I thought. I really don't want to go through the hassle of cleaning it all up....

 #2897  by strumminsix
I wish Kenny wouldn't have done that and stuck around.
 #2898  by phreaker
i miss the ol' fella :cry:

 #2902  by Doubletwist
I was just getting to the point where I could understand what was being said in some of these threads when Kenny pulled out.
It's a little odd to be reading the Patterns to success posts where the only thing that still exists is praise for Kenny's teachings. Everywhere else I'm seeing "red".
All punning aside,
I'm extremely grateful for this site and thank all those involved.
If someone has any of these old posts archived such as the patterns to success posts mentioned above I'd greatly appreciate a peek
Much thanks